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Should I Spend My Stimulus Money on Weed? Get Your Louisiana Medical Marijuana Card Now

Jennifer Betz

Double the Relief of Your Stimulus Check With a Louisiana Medical Marijuana Card!

Most of us have been waiting for our stimulus checks for what feels like too long, and they are finally here! If you’ve got a little cash burning a hole in your pocket after paying your rent and filling your fridge, you may be wondering if it is wise—or even legal—to spend your stimulus money on weed.

Here at Louisiana Marijuana Card, we answer these questions with a resounding YES!

You can legally purchase medical marijuana in Louisiana as long as you have a Louisiana marijuana card. And fortunately, we’ve got a deal to help you keep even more of that sweet stimulus cash in your pocket!

Until March 31st 2021, Save $30 off your Louisiana medical marijuana evaluation appointment when you book online and enter the code HOTDEAL30 (this offer cannot be combined with any other offers).

2021 is the Year Medical Marijuana Can Help You Feel Your Best!

In 2020 and the first part of 2021, COVID kept us from our friends and family. Times have been hard financially, and the last year of our lives has just been plain rough.

But spring 2021 is finally here, and so is the financial boost we have all been waiting for. We are starting to breathe a little easier. The light at the end of the tunnel is in sight. Many of us have a little extra cash in our bank account, and you deserve to treat yourself after a long, hard winter.

A surprising number of people are still unaware that medical marijuana can help relieve symptoms from a wide variety of qualifying conditions, including chronic pain and PTSD. If you have been suffering over the winter, springtime is your time to get on the right track.

Is Medical Marijuana Legal in Louisiana?

The Louisiana medical marijuana program has been in full swing since Baton Rouge-based Capitol Wellness opened its doors to its first cannabis patients at the end of 2019. Since then, the list of qualifying conditions has expanded to include just about anything a doctor deems debilitating.

Once you have approval for medical marijuana from a doctor, you can legally purchase medical marijuana at any of the nine dispensaries across the Bayou State.

Help Yourself and Stimulate the Louisiana Economy, With Medical Marijuana

When you get a Louisiana marijuana card, you can legally access the natural relief you deserve after a long, hard year in quarantine.

Our compassionate doctors are here to help! Book a medical marijuana evaluation appointment today, and save $30 through March 31st 2021 by entering HOTDEAL30.

Relief is on the way!


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